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Tag Archives: when aliens attack

When Aliens Attack

3972_5357_when-aliens-attack-03_04700300_pec6h7ytenr4mwgxehecgrp6ilncurxrbvj6lwuht2ya6mzmafma_610x389When Aliens Attack is a  National Geographic movie that outlines what might happen if Aliens arrived and decided they wanted to take ownership of the Earth or plunder the Earth for resources. Actual scientists theorize what might happen and the steps mankind might have to take to ensure survival.

Although at first glance this topic seems pretty silly they make a reasonable case for the possibility this could happen. I suppose it is reasonable to think the topic through even if you only do so for mental exercise.

This movie was actually well done and I enjoyed it. I found it thought provoking and informative too.

Available on Netflix, YouTube, National Geographic Website, Amazon Instant Video, Discovery Channel UK,