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Tag Archives: Norwegian

Lilyhammer Series 1

I have overlooked this for quite a while but I finally decided to give Lilyhammer a try, and I and glad I did. This series was tremendous fun. Very high quality acting, really good story, wonderful scenery.

A New York City mobster(Played by Steven Van Zandt one of the coolest people around click here) is put into witness protection and requests Lilyhammer Norway as his new home because he was so impressed with it watching the Olympics in 1994. The request is granted and he is set up with a new name and residence. Read more of this post

Troll Hunter

In this movie a group of students are trying to put together a story about a bear poacher and find out that he actually hunts renegade trolls for the Norwegian government.  The students then decide to pursue the troll hunting story instead and then… Read more of this post