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Tag Archives: Japanese

Spice and Wolf / Ōkami to Kōshinryō

Lawrence a traveling merchant wanders into a small rural town preparing to celebrate the harvest. They talk about the legend of the land god, Holo, a wolf-deity. When he is about to leave he notices someone in his cart under the furs, and he is surprised to find a girl with ears and tail. She introduces herself as Holo, and explains to him that she wants him to take her back to her hometown of Yoitsu. They begin their journey, in their travels she learns about how the world has changed, and learns about Lawrence’s trade.

Available on: Hulu, Anime-Planet, TV, Animeflavor

Spice and wolf is an older anime, but still sitting at my top 20 even though I haven’t got to finishing it. If you haven’t had the pleasure to watch anime yet, or haven’t before I would suggest starting with this one. It’s not terribly offensive and there is very little ‘exposure’ as far as exaggerating the female form.

Blue Exorcist – Movie

Rin and the gang are preparing for a festival that is celebrated every 11 years. Rin and Yukio are sent to assist in an exorcism. Things go bad and the two meet a mysterious young boy. The young boy turns out to be the demon from the stories, and Rin fights to keep the exorcist from killing the demon.

I wasn’t as thrilled about the movie as the series, it wasn’t as great in my opinion. Though the animation was insanely amazing, but the plot wasn’t as appealing as the series or the manga.

Available on: Yidio, Amazon

Brothers Conflict

Until now Ema has lived alone, while her world famous father an adventurer traveled the world. One day she receives notice that she is to move in with her 13 new step-brothers, her father is engaged to their mother. She moves into the complex owned by Miwa (her soon to be step mother) with her pet squirrel (Juli). Juli is against Ema living alone with 13 guys who are practically strangers to her, and is afraid that Ema might get attacked by one of her soon to be step-brothers.

This show is an adaptation from the manga of the same title by Atsuko Kanase.

Available to watch on: Funimation, Soul-anime, and Hulu.

Review by: Jayce428

This show was really fun and entertaining. It was really interesting that Juli had a male voice, and I wasn’t sure if Juli was supposed to be male or female. I was disappointed that the anime was only 12 episodes long, but it seems that they seem to be making shorter anime series recently though.

Psycho-Pass – Season 1

The show fallows Akane Tsunemori, a new inspector of Unit One. Tsunemori hunts criminal with other criminals called Enforcers. Enforcers are given special guns called Dominators designed to only kill people with a high Crime Coefficient. On Tsunemori’s first day she shoots Kogami, a talent criminal. She is accompanied by Ginoza, her superior who looks down on Enforcers, and Masaoka (previous detective) and Karari (Enforcer). She is assigned to be Kogami’s handler for missions. The main antagonist is a criminal named Makishima, who’s psychology yields a low crime coefficent, which them from shooting him with the Dominators.

I was unsure if I was going to like this series since I’m not used to detective anime shows, but it was good. I think Kogami and Makishima were my favorite characters in the show. But after the first couple episodes I really got into it. I’m really looking forward to seeing the next season.

Available On: Netflix.

Gugure! Kokkuri-San

Kohina Ichimatsu a high school student who claims to be a doll, one day summons Kokkuri-san a fox spirit. After observing her unhealthy habits, he decides to haunt her: cooking for her and cleaning the house. The series opens up revieling the spirits that haunt her: Inugami (dog spirit), Shigaraki (tanuki spirit), and Tama (cat spirit).

The series was amazing! Though it’s quite random especially since it has an alien in it who is called Yamamoto who attends school with Kohina. For those who are interested in a good fantasy anime that has some value to it I would suggest this.

For those who want to watch it it’s available on: Animeshow and Crunchyroll.