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Tag Archives: gun


Nikita is a young woman who was rescued from death row by a secret organization called ‘Division’. At Division she was trained in all types of covert operations. Once mission ready Nikita was repeatedly required to do things that were unspeakable and horrible.  After a while she secretly finds comfort, hope, and Love with a good man. ‘Division’ learns of her relationship and takes that away from her with violence. Broken from the deeds required of her and the Love taken from her Nikita escapes ‘Division’ and after a few years she returns intent upon bringing division down. Read more of this post


In Homefront Jason Statham plays an ex DEA agent in witness protection. His daughter has an altercation with a bully in school and when she defends herself the bully’s mother gets angry and calls on her family to help her ‘get even’. In the ensuing chain of altercations, incuding the injury of our ex DEA agent’s friend, his identity gets out and here comes the seriously bad guys.  Read more of this post


A CDC response team is called to investigate a reported viral outbreak at a huge arctic scientific research facility located far enough north to be outside the laws of any country. Upon arriving it is discovered that the virus has been modified at the facility. The CDC team, along with the facilities staff, immediately begin working together on the cure research.  Many of the people who are sick are made to spread the virus as though they are possesed. Soon it becomes clear that there are interested parties beyond the facility. Secret relationships come to light and evil deeds are exposed. Read more of this post