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Tag Archives: death

Mystery Road

Mystery Road is a gritty western-like murder and suspense movie. The main character is Jay Swan, a new detective who returns to his home in the Australian outback town of Winton, Queensland. His first case is a the death of a young girl found in a culvert along a well-used highway. The girl is found to have been murdered. As the investigation progresses a trail of more crime is revealed. Jay must follow the trail to the end… Read more of this post


Not so fun but I need to do this one. Thank you for your understanding.

Bridgend, South Wales has had a huge number of deaths by apparent suicide. There were 79 hangings from January 2007 to February 2012 alone. That’s just hanging there were other methods too, and the suicides have not stopped. Strange is the lack of suicide notes and how quickly people seem to go from apparently fine to dead by their own hand. Read more of this post