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Tag Archives: DEA

The Lone Gunmen

I have always loved the electric guitar playing the Star Spangled Banner!

The Lone Gunmen was a Fox Network spin-off of the X-Files. The last episode was aired mid 2001. It is about 3 good-hearted conspiracy reporters who publish a very small underground newspaper called The Lone Gunman. The mission for their newspaper is to root out conspiracies and coverups because they strongly believe the people have a right to know the truth, For the record I agree and that’s one of the many reasons I enjoyed this so much. Read more of this post


In Homefront Jason Statham plays an ex DEA agent in witness protection. His daughter has an altercation with a bully in school and when she defends herself the bully’s mother gets angry and calls on her family to help her ‘get even’. In the ensuing chain of altercations, incuding the injury of our ex DEA agent’s friend, his identity gets out and here comes the seriously bad guys.  Read more of this post


Arnold Schwarzenegger is the leader of a DEA tactical team. He and his team attempt to steal millions from drug dealers who, of course, are not pleased. Then comes a lot of shouting, shooting, dying , swearing, drinking, and cigar smoking. Oh yes, there was also fast reckless driving and vehicle crashes. All this is made OK because of the sadly traumatized main character. Read more of this post