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Tag Archives: creature feature


A pandemic of vampirism has gripped the world. The afflicted prowl the nights looking to feed. One night a family is attacked and only a young boy named Martin survives and is taken in by a hunter called Mister. Mister teaches Martin to survive and together they travel toward New Eden which is rumored to be a safe, vampire free area. The trip turns out to have even greater challenges than the vampires… Read more of this post

The Colony (science fiction movie)

Scientists created machines to counteract global warming but something went wrong and the Earth was plunged into perpetual winter. A few lucky people found refuge where there were supplies and warmth but without mining, farming, or methods of distribution food and fuel supplies began to running out for those groups less well stocked. Some took extreme measures in their search for food.
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Legendary (aka Tomb of the Dragon)

A team of cryptid investigators go to China to investigate a video of an unknown creature. The video was taken near a work-site that has missing workers. When they arrive they soon discover that a hunter and his team has been hired to eliminate the threat. With the investigators wanting capture and study the creature alive, and the hunters intending to kill it as a trophy, a violently adversarial relationship begins. It becomes a race to find the creature. Read more of this post


Wolfblood is a young teen werewolf television series. The main character is a girl in her low teens. She and her family are werewolves but as the series begins she hasn’t gone through her first transformation yet and the anticipation is causing her stress. As in most werewolf stories, werewolves in Wolfblood need to keep their condition secret, even from their normal friends and this is stressful for her. Soon she meets a new schoolmate and her situation complicates.

Wolfblood is a pleasant program with good acting, very basic but effective special effects, and good writers.

Available on: Hulu PlusAmazon, Netflix, Youtube

Odd Thomas

Odd Thomas(Anton Yelchin) is a seriously excellent movie. Odd Thomas is a short-order cook in a town in the California desert. Odd sees dead people and understands them. He also sometimes knows what has happened in the past or might happen in the future. He can also see supernatural creatures. Read more of this post


A CDC response team is called to investigate a reported viral outbreak at a huge arctic scientific research facility located far enough north to be outside the laws of any country. Upon arriving it is discovered that the virus has been modified at the facility. The CDC team, along with the facilities staff, immediately begin working together on the cure research.  Many of the people who are sick are made to spread the virus as though they are possesed. Soon it becomes clear that there are interested parties beyond the facility. Secret relationships come to light and evil deeds are exposed. Read more of this post


The series follows the lives of two brothers, Sam(Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester(Jensen Ackles). These brothers grew up following their father, John Winchester(Jeffery Dean Morgan). John Winchester began traveling around hunting monsters when his wife died(I won’t spoil it). Dean followed in his father’s footsteps right away, Sam had a harder road(I won’t spoil it) but wound up hunting with Dean after their father disappeared. Sam and Dean are supported by a family friend and highly experienced monster hunter, Bobby Singer(Jim Beaver), Oh you will really like Castiel (Misha Collins) too. Read more of this post

Big Ass Spider

If you want a fun movie to watch this is a good one.  It is a well done comedy about a pest exterminator who chases the ultimate adversary.  This move used enough special effects without going overboard and good scripting for a creature feature.  If you are critical about special effects that don’t look perfectly real go watch nature shows and documentaries, as for me hand me the popcorn and a Pepsi.