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Tag Archives: CIA

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

Jack Ryan is a former Marine who was wounded in Afghanistan, After a long recovery he hooks up with the medical student who helped him in physical therapy. He is recruited by the CIA and winds up working in a major Wall Street brokerage firm as a compliance officer. His CIA mission is to watch for transactions that might indicate terrorist activity. What do you suppose happens then? Hello! Action movie!

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is based on characters created by Tom Clancy. This is an action movie done right, great actors, plausible story, great directing, right score(sound track album is available) and everything else that goes into a great movie…all great. If you are looking for an action movie I’d consider this one.

Cast includes; Chris PineKevin CostnerKenneth BranaghKeira Knightley

Available on: Google PlayAmazonVUDU, Netflix

The Lone Gunmen

I have always loved the electric guitar playing the Star Spangled Banner!

The Lone Gunmen was a Fox Network spin-off of the X-Files. The last episode was aired mid 2001. It is about 3 good-hearted conspiracy reporters who publish a very small underground newspaper called The Lone Gunman. The mission for their newspaper is to root out conspiracies and coverups because they strongly believe the people have a right to know the truth, For the record I agree and that’s one of the many reasons I enjoyed this so much. Read more of this post


Nikita is a young woman who was rescued from death row by a secret organization called ‘Division’. At Division she was trained in all types of covert operations. Once mission ready Nikita was repeatedly required to do things that were unspeakable and horrible.  After a while she secretly finds comfort, hope, and Love with a good man. ‘Division’ learns of her relationship and takes that away from her with violence. Broken from the deeds required of her and the Love taken from her Nikita escapes ‘Division’ and after a few years she returns intent upon bringing division down. Read more of this post

Zeitgeist 2007

Zeitgeist defined: The Zeitgeist is the intellectual fashion or dominant school of thought that typifies and influences the culture of a particular period in time. Wikipedia

This is a serious documentary about social, and ecological problems that need to be faced if we are not to turn George Orwell into a profit if we haven’t already. Read more of this post


Cleanskin is about a covert operative, Ewen, and his partner, Mark, who get orders to stop a terrorist element in the city they know has a target in mind. Sean Bean plays Ewen who ruthlessly pursues his job. Ewen is haunted by his past and reacts with extreme violence to all threats. The adversary is a young Muslim man who has been seduced into extremism by a mentor.

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Burn Notice

‘Burn Notice’ is about a CIA agent who gets ‘burned’ at which point the agent is cut off from all contact with government agencies, identity removed, bank accounts closed, equipment taken, and dumped in some random city.

The agent that got ‘burned’ is Michael Weston(Jeffery Donovan), and he was dumped with nothing in Miami Florida. Michael is helped by his friends Fiona Glenanne(Gabrielle Anwar) and Sam Axe(Bruce Campbell) and the group is also supported by Mike’s mom Madeline Weston(Sharon Gless). They begin trying to find out who burned Mike and why. Their efforts are repeatedly postponed by aiding people who need help, the kind of help three trained covert operatives can provide. Read more of this post