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Tag Archives: chick flick

A Princess for Christmas

This is a Hallmark movie. Jules Daly, of Buffalo, NY, winds up the gaurdian of her niece and nephew, Milo and Maddie, when her sister and brother-in-law pass away.

There is trouble and Jules loses her job. Christmas prospects look pretty bleak. A surprise visit from the butler of the childrens’ paternal grandfather, Duke Edward of Castlebury, brings an invitation to spend Christmas with the Duke at his home. Read more of this post

12 Dates of Christmas

Kate Stanton(played by Amy Smart) has to relive Christmas eve until she things end up right. Every time she gets it wrong it’s back to the beginning again. Sure it is an idea that has been used many times before, but that doesn’t keep this movie from being a fun Christmas movie. Read more of this post