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Blue Exorcist – Anime Series

Rin a orphan teenager raised by Father Fujimoto, after reaching his teen years he finds himself to be abnormal with superhuman strength. One day Father Fujimoto decides to tell Rin he is the son of Satan one of the most dangerous of demons. Father Fujimoto is killed in front of Rin, and he is told to draw the demon-slaying blade Kurikara. After the funaral, Rin and Yukio (his twin brother), are taken to True Cross Academy, where Rin trains to become an exorcist and defeat Satan.

I loved this show! It will forever be a favorite,the only thing that I was sad about was that… Well… It ended! My favorite character in the show was Kuro, a black cat-spirit turned demon, who becomes Rin’s familiar. I haven’t seen the movie yet but it’s supposed to be good too. I do plan on watching the movie and will do a review on it soon. I also want to read the manga because it’s supposed to be much longer then the anime, which I’m very excited about.

Available On: Itunes, Amazon, Crunchyroll, Hulu

Brothers Conflict

Until now Ema has lived alone, while her world famous father an adventurer traveled the world. One day she receives notice that she is to move in with her 13 new step-brothers, her father is engaged to their mother. She moves into the complex owned by Miwa (her soon to be step mother) with her pet squirrel (Juli). Juli is against Ema living alone with 13 guys who are practically strangers to her, and is afraid that Ema might get attacked by one of her soon to be step-brothers.

This show is an adaptation from the manga of the same title by Atsuko Kanase.

Available to watch on: Funimation, Soul-anime, and Hulu.

Review by: Jayce428

This show was really fun and entertaining. It was really interesting that Juli had a male voice, and I wasn’t sure if Juli was supposed to be male or female. I was disappointed that the anime was only 12 episodes long, but it seems that they seem to be making shorter anime series recently though.

Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun

This anime is about a high school student Sakura who is in love with her classmate Nozaki. She quickly confesses her love to him, but he misunderstands and thinks she is just a fan. He invites her to his house to help him with some drawings. She discovers he’s actually a renowned shojo manga artist named Sakiko Yumeno. She agrees only as a way to get closer to him. In their adventures they meet other schoolmates that help assist them and help inspire them.

I really enjoyed this anime and the manga. The voice actors matched the characters very well, and overall there was really nothing that I could pinpoint as being negative about the anime or manga.

You can watch the anime at: Animeshow.

Zeitgeist 2007

Zeitgeist defined: The Zeitgeist is the intellectual fashion or dominant school of thought that typifies and influences the culture of a particular period in time. Wikipedia

This is a serious documentary about social, and ecological problems that need to be faced if we are not to turn George Orwell into a profit if we haven’t already. Read more of this post

The 100

‘The 100’ is a science fiction series that begins in an Earth-orbiting space station where mankind took refuge after Earth was decimated by nuclear war.  97 years have passed since the world was ravaged.  Now life support on the space station is beginning to fail and it is decided to send people to find out if the Earth is now inhabitable… Read more of this post

Little Fuzzy by H. Beam Piper

little_fuzzy_aceThe place is the planet Zarathustra there you will accompany Little Fuzzy and his family who aided by a few friends as they struggle to have fuzzies recognized as a sapient species with dire consequences if they fail.

Many years (four decades!) ago the book ‘Little Fuzzy’ was handed to me by a family member who had just finished it.  On the cover was a lean older man with a furry little bipedal creature on his shoulder and four more of the creatures around him.  The man was carrying a what appeared to be a futuristic rifle and his little companion was carrying a metallic spear-like tool with a blade on one end and a ball on the other end. Read more of this post