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Category Archives: Music

Coldplay – Ghost Stories Review

As a fan of their previous work, I wouldn’t say this is their best work so far, but that isn’t to say it isn’t good. It’s amazing. Also, anyone who updated to IOS 8 got one of their newer albums as well, but this is probably because Apple and Coldplay have a relationship. When this album released Itunes radio had a station devoted to Coldplay only.

It was interesting to find out that Chris Martin (lead singer) got the idea to create this album, by discovering the concept that your previous actions affect your present life.

The idea of Ghost Stories, for me, was “how do you let the things that happen to you in the past – your ghosts – how do you let them affect your present and your future?” Because there was a time when I was feeling like they were going to drag me down and ruin my life, and the lives of those around me. I was very lucky to meet a very good sufi teacher who started to introduce the idea of “if you sit with your experiences and the things you’ve been through, they alchemize.” At the time he said that, I didn’t really know what that meant, but I trusted that it would work, and the more that I was learning about that, the more music just started flowing through.


If you loved their previous work you’ll love this.

Available on: Google Play and iTunes.

Bleachers – Strange Desire

This has to be the best album of 2014. I’ve struggled looking for a pop artist that wasn’t the typical crude and overly stereotypical. I’m not to artists that continue to perpetuate disappointing stereotypes of wannabe quality artists. This album, even though it probably didn’t have the usual amount of songs, was quality was spot on.

Seriously, they debuted this year and they were better then Beyonce in the love song department. What girl or boy wouldn’t want to hear: “I didn’t know I was lonely ’til I saw your face”. Such simple words but they’re not trashy or overused.

My favorite songs from the album are: Wild Hearts and I Wanna Get Better.

This album is available on: Google playiTunes, Amazon

Ebony Buckle

You must hear Ebony Buckle sing.  I heard her sing on the BBC police drama ‘George Gently’ Season 5 episode 2 available on Read more of this post