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Category Archives: Horror

The X-Files

X_Files_Wallpaper_by_inane_artThe X-Files is the section of the FBI that deals with unexplained phenomena. The unexplained include creature reports, conspiracies, time anomalies, UFO reports and many other situations. Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigate the X-Files and over time and many episodes uncover many incredible situations and do their best to deal with them.


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Dark Skies

A normal family begins having strange experiences. They have unexplained injuries, display inexplicable behavior, and have episodes of missing time. They try to understand and combat the issues they have in any way they can. Gradually a clearer understanding comes to them and they resolve to fight. Read more of this post


A pandemic of vampirism has gripped the world. The afflicted prowl the nights looking to feed. One night a family is attacked and only a young boy named Martin survives and is taken in by a hunter called Mister. Mister teaches Martin to survive and together they travel toward New Eden which is rumored to be a safe, vampire free area. The trip turns out to have even greater challenges than the vampires… Read more of this post

American Horror Story

American Horror Story is a show that provides variety for the viewer. Don’t expect the next season to be like the previous season, I liked the first and third season, but the second one wasn’t as appealing and was very slow. From my view of the show it seems that each season has it’s own writer or they were having a over-encumbered year , and weren’t focusing on the show at the time. I can’t give you many names of the actors since their were so many, but many of the actors were reused for different seasons so you’ll see them in the next season. One of my favorite actors out of all of them is: Jessica Lange she was in every season even the new fourth season. Read more of this post