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Spice and Wolf / Ōkami to Kōshinryō

Lawrence a traveling merchant wanders into a small rural town preparing to celebrate the harvest. They talk about the legend of the land god, Holo, a wolf-deity. When he is about to leave he notices someone in his cart under the furs, and he is surprised to find a girl with ears and tail. She introduces herself as Holo, and explains to him that she wants him to take her back to her hometown of Yoitsu. They begin their journey, in their travels she learns about how the world has changed, and learns about Lawrence’s trade.

Available on: Hulu, Anime-Planet, TV, Animeflavor

Spice and wolf is an older anime, but still sitting at my top 20 even though I haven’t got to finishing it. If you haven’t had the pleasure to watch anime yet, or haven’t before I would suggest starting with this one. It’s not terribly offensive and there is very little ‘exposure’ as far as exaggerating the female form.

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