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Blue Exorcist – Anime Series

Rin a orphan teenager raised by Father Fujimoto, after reaching his teen years he finds himself to be abnormal with superhuman strength. One day Father Fujimoto decides to tell Rin he is the son of Satan one of the most dangerous of demons. Father Fujimoto is killed in front of Rin, and he is told to draw the demon-slaying blade Kurikara. After the funaral, Rin and Yukio (his twin brother), are taken to True Cross Academy, where Rin trains to become an exorcist and defeat Satan.

I loved this show! It will forever be a favorite,the only thing that I was sad about was that… Well… It ended! My favorite character in the show was Kuro, a black cat-spirit turned demon, who becomes Rin’s familiar. I haven’t seen the movie yet but it’s supposed to be good too. I do plan on watching the movie and will do a review on it soon. I also want to read the manga because it’s supposed to be much longer then the anime, which I’m very excited about.

Available On: Itunes, Amazon, Crunchyroll, Hulu

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