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The X-Files

X_Files_Wallpaper_by_inane_artThe X-Files is the section of the FBI that deals with unexplained phenomena. The unexplained include creature reports, conspiracies, time anomalies, UFO reports and many other situations. Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigate the X-Files and over time and many episodes uncover many incredible situations and do their best to deal with them.


The X-Files first ran in 1993 and is one of the best science fiction series ever. Many people consider it the best. There are nine seasons and two movies and all of it is great. There are X-XFilesCreditsS1-7Files video games, comics (sorry…graphic novels), posters, clothing, and lots of other stuff.

Spin-offs from the X-Files are the series The Lone Gunman, another great show and Millennium another series.

Cast includes: David DuchovnyGillian AndersonRobert PatrickAnnabeth GishMitch PileggiWilliam B. Davis

Available on: AmazonVUDU, Netflix


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