Media Reviews and More

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There is more on this world than what we generally perceive, and more to come…

The world is as we see it holds few major surprises and is usually quite ordinary, maybe…maybe not. Perhaps we are secretly defended from much that is strange and dangerous by a covert agency…that agency, our benefactor, might be called ‘Torchwood’.

Torchwood deals with the monstrous, the evil, the paranormal, and even the unjust using highly skilled agents, and advanced and sometimes alien technology.  ‘Torchwood’ recruits only people they deem exceptional by their own observation and association. They work hard finding, evaluating, and responding to issues and emergencies as secretly as possible. In the high stress environment they are not immune to a little internal conflict or covert liaisons as distractions from their good works.

‘Torchwood’ has had occasion to work with a sometimes ally ‘Dr Who’ with whom the leader of ‘Torchwood’, Jack Harkness has some history.

I really enjoy ‘Dr Who’ and when ‘Torchwood’ came out I was ready to try it. I was glad I did. ‘Torchwood’ is great fun. I like my occasional escapes from reality and ‘Torchwood’ really takes me away.

Available at Netflix, VUDU, Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime Instant Video

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