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Hemlock Grove

Hemlock Grove, a Netflix original, is a good fantasy horror series set in a small Pennsylvania town.The town seems, from the viewers perspective, a very close-knit town but there are secrets within prominent families the Godfrey’s and the Rumancek’s. The Godfrey’s are a rich vampire family and the Rumancek’s are the poorer werewolf family so naturally there are conflicts there.(someday someone will make the werewolves rich and the vamps poor but not this time!)  The Godfrey’s family owns a large portion of the town including a high-tech research facility.  The towns’ people have theories about what they are researching but aren’t sure, and the viewer is fed hints until the truth is revealed after many episodes.  Oh yeah there is also the murder and you will Love Shelly.

I like supernatural creature shows like this.  Sometimes I just like to get as far from reality as possible and I bet many of you are the same. The episodes each have a good theme and the series carries a good backstory throughout.  Hemlock Grove is good fun.

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